Dress Code

Please make sure you are familiar with and abide by the Club's dress code outlined below.   Members or visitors not complying with the dress code may be asked to leave the premises.

Arrangements and Regulations for Play

Making or Cancelling Tee Bookings
Tee bookings can be made by selecting the appropriate start sheet published on the Club’s website or by using the kiosk in the Card Room.   Visiting players may book a tee time by contacting the Club Professional (Phone 06 357 8793).  

Any bookings or cancellations on the day of play must be made as early as possible by contacting the Club Professional (Phone 06 357 8793).
Starting Tees
Starting tees are as allocated by the Starter in consultation with the Club Captain and/or Tournament organiser.
Tees in Use
On any particular day the tee colour in use will be specified by the Starter.
President’s and Club Captain’s Privilege
The President and Club Captain have the right to enter the field whenever they desire.
Arrival at the Course
Players should aim to arrive at the golf course at least 20 minutes before their appointed tee off time, and be fully prepared to tee off as soon as the players in front are out of range.

On the day of play, if players are unable to meet their appointed tee off time they must advise the Proshop or Starter with as much advanced warning as possible.  Failure to do this is unacceptable since it may deprive another player of a game.

Players starting after 1.30 pm must not enter the field unless there is a clear fairway behind them.
Sharing of Golf Clubs
The sharing of golf clubs is not permitted.
Practice areas are available for use by all players.  Players practising on the course proper must not use more than two balls, and greens and tees must not be used for practice.
Handicaps and Records of Previous Rounds
Handicaps and handicap indices are automatically printed on scorecards produced by the Autoscore system. 

Details of previous rounds and handicap indices for all members are accessible via the Dot Golf website http://www.golf.co.nz/

Information regarding the NZGA handicapping system is available at http://www.golf.co.nz/news/index.cfm?id=4.

The handicapping system is based on the assumption that every player will endeavour to make the best score at each hole in every round that is played and that every round will be reported regardless of where it is played.

A handicap may be arbitrarily reduced if the player does not return all scores or otherwise does not observe the spirit of the handicapping system.  The committee is empowered to determine the amount of the adjustment and, in an extreme case of a player’s non-co-operation, may result in withdrawal of the handicap.

Scorecards are obtained via the kiosk in the Pro-Shop by entering your 7-digit Golf Club and membership number (for members and visitors).

The correct method of keeping the score is that players keep each others’ cards by entering the score after each hole.
After completion of all rounds, fully marked and signed scorecards must show complete entries for all holes and be immediately entered via the kiosk in the Card Room or the cafe.   Entered cards are to be placed in the collection bins provided.     

Always remember that it is the players responsibility that they are entering a correct scorecard.  If you are unsure how to correctly fill out a scorecard please ask.
Speed of Play
All players must ensure that their game is played at a reasonable speed. In general, players should keep up with the players in front. If you are not keeping up with the group in front, please make every effort to catch up, or let the group playing behind you through if you are holding them up.

Complaints of slow play will be recognised only when made and signed by all members of a four playing behind. The Match Committee, at their discretion and after interviewing all concerned, may impose an appropriate penalty on the slow players.  For example, on a subsequent playing day or days the slow players may be relegated to the end of the field or draw.
Priority for Matches Continuing to 19th Hole
Uncompleted matches reaching the starting tee (19th hole) before the tee is vacant must be given right of way.

Rules of Golf, Etiquette and Care of the Course

Rules of Golf
The Rules of Golf are available to members in booklet form and online at http://www.randa.org.  

All players must acquaint themselves with and observe the Rules of Golf.
Local Rules (of Golf)

Local Rules are printed on official scorecards of the club, and/or posted on the notice board outside the card room.  All players must acquaint themselves with and observe these Rules.

Golf Etiquette
Section 1 of the “Rules of Golf” provides guidelines on the manner in which the game should be played.  The main headings under the Golf Etiquette section (1) of the Rules of Golf are as follows:

  • Introduction

  • The Spirit of the Game

  • Safety (during play)

  • Consideration for other Players

  • Pace of Play

  • Priority on the Course

  • Care of the Course

  • Conclusion; Penalties for Breach

 All players should familiarise themselves with these guidelines.
Care of the Course
It is essential that players make every endeavour to ensure the course is kept in top order by co-operating as follows:

  • Keep to paths where they are provided.

  • Do not walk through areas closed off by greens staff.

  • Carefully replace divots on fairways and rough.

  • Carefully rake bunkers after playing bunker shots. Rakes to be placed outside bunkers.

  • Don’t take trundlers between greens and greenside bunkers.

  • Carefully repair pitch marks on greens using a pitch mark repairing tool.

  • Avoid standing close to the hole while attending, removing or replacing the flagstick.

  • Don’t remove balls from the hole using the blade of a club.

  • Observe current policies and notices regarding the use of golf carts.

  • Ensure all rubbish is put in the containers provided at each tee.

  • Ensure cigarette butts are not left on or around the course, and are disposed of properly.

Cart Use
Carts are permitted on the course at the discretion of the greenkeepers.  There are times when cart use will cause damage to the course and we thank you in advance for accepting the decision of the greens staff or club officials regarding cart use.  Please check course signage or with the Proshop regarding the use of carts on the day. 

If you intend taking a cart out on course, please familiarise yourself with our full policy on golf cart rules and etiquette

Visitors using their own carts must seek permission from either the Pro Shop or the General Manager. If there is no Club carts for hire then the visitor can use their own cart for no charge. If there is carts available for hire and the visitor still wants to use their cart then there is a $20 fee applicable.

Under no circumstances are visitors allowed to use a vehicle other than a four wheel golf cart: this may include vehicles such as scooters,  three wheeled bikes and quad bikes.