Entering Club Competitions and Tournaments
All members are encouraged to enter Club competitions and tournaments run by the Club. Players need to enter the respective competitions by the due dates shown. Members must be fully financial for the duration of the competition. Qualifying rounds are played on a designated day or days. Competition draws are displayed in the Cardroom and/or on the Club website.
18 hole competitions and tournaments are open to all 18 hole members, 9 hole members are not permitted to play in 18 hole competitions or tournaments with the exception being, the Club’s Opening and Closing Day.
Entering the ‘Club Haggle’
Members are encouraged to enter the Club Haggle competitions which are run on most Club days. Entries are made in the Pro Shop.
Arranging Matches
It is the responsibility of all players to arrange the playing and completion of matches on or before the date set down by the Match Committee. Please arrange and play your matches early.
Should players or teams be unable to arrange with their opponents a mutually suitable time for playing a match, they may, 10 days before the due completion date for the round, apply to the Club Captain to have the Match Committee determine a time and date for play.
When a match has not been completed by the date specified, the Match Committee will default both sides. If any member is aware in advance that they will be unable to play any round of a competition by the dates set down in the programme book they should NOT enter the competition.
All matches shall be played on the Manawatu Golf Club Course, except when the course is closed, whereby members have the option of playing a match on another course, if both parties agree.
All matches in club competitions shall be played over 18 holes except the finals for Senior, Intermediate and Junior Championships which shall be played over 36 holes on the day specified in the programme book.
All matches shall be played in accordance with the rules of golf and in particular Section 3 of the rules relating to match play or stroke play competitions.
Match Results
The result of a competition match is identified at the time the match is won on the course. The winner(s) are responsible for entering the result (if appropriate) as soon as possible at the end of the round.
Match Conceded
If a player or a side, establish for any reason that they cannot meet their obligation to complete a match by the play by date then they should concede the match, and record their opponent(s) as the winner of the match, and advise them of such.
A match may be conceded at any time, but this concession must be made before the result of the match becomes apparent.
Time Extensions
It is expected all matches will be played by the due date. Any request for an extension must be in writing to the Match Committee for consideration. This includes all mixed, club competitions irrespective of what day the match is to be played.
Recording Competition Results
The winner is to record and enter the match result. Failure to do so will attract the same penalty as for an un-played match.
Results showing on the results sheets on the date of match completion shall stand. No later alteration is permitted.
Matches all square after completion of the stipulated round shall continue from No 1 tee irrespective of where the match was started, until one hole is won (strokes to be taken as applicable). Where players’ scores are equal and where a playoff is not practical, in accordance with NZ Golf Association the winner will be decided by lot.
When it is intended to lodge a protest, the player shall, as well as complying with the rules of golf, notify a Member of the Match Committee or General Manager that he or she intends to protest. Unless this is done immediately after the completion of the game, the protest will not be considered. In the absence of a Member of the Match Committee, the card should be marked “Protest”.
Concurrent Stroke and Match Competitions
When stroke and match play competitions are played concurrently, players must not vary or waive any conditions of the match play event to facilitate the play of the stroke event. Penalties (as provided for stroke events) incurred through the match play event must be counted in the stroke event.
In all Par and Stableford competitions, and in match play, the full difference in handicaps is used.
Foursomes Rules
Mixed: Men hit off No. 1 tee and all odd numbered tees, ladies off even tees. 50% combined handicap.
Canadian: Both players hit off tee, and the best drive is selected and played as in ordinary foursomes. 50% combined handicap.
Men's Competitions and Cup Dates
Craigs Investment Partners ‘Monthly Medallion’
Played on the first Saturday of each month February-November
Stableford Competition open to both male and female members of MGC (morning and afternoon field, open start sheet)
B & A and Watson Cups
First 32 qualifiers contest B&A Cup. Second 32 contest Watson Cup. Single handicap event – rules of match play apply. Qualifying round on date shown in programme as follows:
Qualifying Round: Saturday 15 February
Matches to be played by:
Round 1 by Saturday 8 March
Round 2 by Saturday 5 April
Round 3 by Saturday 26 April
Semi Final by Saturday 10 May
Final by Saturday 24 May
McLennan Cup
Fourball match play. Own partners arranged and entered by closing date. Players that are defeated in their first match are automatically drawn for the McLennan Consolation. There are no extensions for McLennan matches.
Closing date for entries: Saturday 22 February
Matches to be played by:
Bye Round by Saturday 29 March
Round 1 by Saturday 3 May
Round 2 by Saturday 7 June
Round 1 of Consolation by Saturday 7 June
Round 3 by Saturday 28 June
Round 2 of Consolation by 28 June
Round 4 by Saturday 26 July
Round 3 Consolation by 26 July
Semi Final by Saturday 9 August
Round 4 of Consolation by Saturday 16 August Final by Saturday 23 August
Semi Final Consolation by Saturday 6 September Final of Consolation by Saturday 4 October
Club Championships:
Seniors: Course Handicap up to 9 to play off Black Tees
Intermediate: Course Handicap 10- 15 to play off Blue Tees
Juniors: Course handicap 16 – 20 to play off Blue Tees
C Grade: Course handicap 21 – 40 to play off Blue Tees
Please note: Course handicaps are based off the Blue tees as at 5pm on the Wednesday before the first qualifying round. Best one of two qualifying rounds on dates shown. Second 16 play off for Handicap cups, on handicap. All matches to be played on or before the dates set in the programme.
Qualifying rounds: Saturday 9 & 16 August with a reserve day scheduled for 23 August.
Matches to be played by:
Round 1 by Saturday 13 September
Round 2 and Round 1 Flights by Saturday 18 October
Semi Finals and Semi Finals of Flights by 1 November
All Finals to be played on Saturday 8 November at the times provided by the Match Committee.
N.B Senior, Intermediate and junior Champions play in the Chamberlain Shield and Champion of Champions on Sunday 19 November.
Captain vs President: Played on Saturday 29 March. The format is TBC.
Captain vs President
Played on Saturday 23 March. The format is TBC.
Competitions as shown in the programme (subject to change). Points will be awarded across the whole field based on ‘fedex cup’ points.
McHardy Cup: Division 1 Stroke
Plunket Cup: Division 1 par
Druce Cup: Division 2 Stroke
Cooper Rapley Cup: Division 2 par
Wiggins Cup: Division 1 Stableford
Maunder Cup: Division 2 Stableford
Hay & Watson Cup: The winner of this cup amasses the greatest aggregate of points during the season.
Moodie Cup: Best Net Score in Club Competition
Kenneth Neal Cup: Top Qualifier B&A/Watson Cups. Played in February.
Lionel Abraham Cup: 18 hole Medal Competition. Played in May.
Devil’s Own Cup: 18 hole Stableford Competition. Played in September.
Nolan Rosebowl: Summer Singles Competition played during December, January and February. Dates to be advised.
Isaac’s Cup: Summer Fourball Competition played during December, January and February. Dates to be advised.
Mina Siefert Course Record Cup: Lowest gross card returned during the season in Club competition.
John “Chopper” Christie Memorial Trophy: Awarded to the Man who has the highest Stableford points on a designated Saturday in March.
Harden Cup: Men’s shootout. Saturday scores throughout the season count, the top 19 qualifiers at the end of the season compete in the ‘one day shootout’. 18 holes played, the player with the worst nett drops off each hole. Entry fee applies, payable in February.
3 Putt Cup: Awarded to the player who has the most ‘3 putts’ on Saturdays during the season.
Robertson Prestige Wade Cup: Every Wednesday afternoon during March to October. Winner to from 5 out of 8 months (best round each month to count).
Mixed Competitions and Cup Dates
Imlay Saunders Plate: Mixed match play on Combined net hole by hole. Matches to be played on Sundays. Players that are defeated in their first match will be drawn for the Imlay Saunders consolation.
Format: Each side adds their handicap together. The difference is found and the side with the lower handicap gives the appropriate number of shots to the other side and these shots are taken on the shot holes of the men’s card.
e.g. Bob is on 15 and Barb on 10. Their combined handicap is 25. They are playing Craig on 6 and Caroline on 30 giving a combined handicap of 36. 36 minus 25 is 11. Bob and Barb give Craig and Caroline 11 shots taken on shot holes 1-11 on the men’s card. On hole one, Bob has 5 and Barb 5 giving them a total of 10. Craig has a 4 and Caroline a 6 giving them 10 but a net 9 as they receive one shot because hole one is the number 4 shot hole on the men’s card. Craig and Caroline win the first hole.
Imlay Saunders:
Entries close 23 March
1st Round to be completed by Sunday 8 June
2nd Round and 1st Round of consolation to be completed Sunday 29 June
2nd Roundof consolation to be completed Sunday 27 July
Main and consolation semi-finals to be completed Sunday 17 August
Main and consolation final to be completed Sunday 7 September
Opening Day Mixed Canadian Foursomes. Playing for the Queenan Memorial Salver: (Par competition).
Closing Day Mixed Foursomes playing for the Galloway Memorial Cups (Stableford competition).
Monro Rosebowl: Event TBC
Twilight: During summer the Club runs a 9 Hole Twilight competition on Friday evenings, tee- off between 3.00-5.30pm. Entry fee payable. Competition is Stableford.
Opening & Closing Day
These competitions are open to all members regardless of their playing category (all 9 Hole and 18 Hole categories)
Opening Day – Queenan Memorial Salver is usually held on the last Saturday in January and is a Mixed Canadian Foursomes format with Par scoring. Closing Day – Galloway Memorial Cup is usually held on the last Saturday in November and is a Mixed Foursome format with Stableford scoring. Christmas Cheer
Each golfing group holds its own Christmas Cheer with the Main Club Christmas Cheer being the first Saturday in December. Members are eligible to play only in the competitions that are relevant to their membership.
Women’s 18 Hole Competitions
Club Championships:
Saturday and Midweek 7 and 6 days 18h members Qualifying Rounds (Only 1 Round is required to qualify. Only the top sixteen qualify)
Silver Division: Up to 18.4 handicap index.
Bronze I Division: 18.5 to 24.8 handicap index Bronze II Division: 24.9 to 40.4 handicap index Matches to be played on a Sunday if a 7 day member is drawn against a 6 day member
All matches must be played on or before the play- by date
N.B the Silver Champion, Bronze Champion and Runner Up and the Bronze 2 Champion all play in the Champion of Champions and gross Stableford Rosebowl
All Members
LGU Silver Medal: Lowest aggregate four differential
LGU Bronze I Medal: Lowest aggregate fourdifferential
LGU Bronze II Medal: Lowest aggregate four differential
LGU Bronze III Medal: Lowest aggregate four differential
LGU Bronze I Medal: Lowest aggregate four differential
LGU Bronze II Medal: Lowest aggregate four differential
LGU Bronze III Medal: Lowest aggregate four differential
Catherine Queenan Memorial Salver: Top Qualifier Club Championships
Aileen Nash Record Salver: Course Record from White Tees
Aileen Nash Record Cup: Best gross score for the year from White Tees
Mellsop Memento Cup: Playoff of all LGU winners, best net
Doris Dixon Memorial Teams: Teams of 4 (not in Mellsop), lowest aggregate net
Australian LGU Silver Coaster: Best 6 LGU medal rounds of First 6 LGU medal rounds.
Jean Whitehead Salver: Lowest gross aggregate for 4 LGU medal rounds played on Club days from opening to 31 Oct
Squibb Salver: Best Net on LGU days, White tees only 40.4 maximum handicap index
Crews/Green/Nash Salver: Summer Stableford, best 5 Stableford on a Tuesday
Hokowhitu Challenge Cup: Mid-week vs Saturday Competition
Alison Watson Cup: Best Net Silver Division
Field Summer Cup: Best Summer net (Tournament, competition days, Christmas Cheer and Tuesdays are not eligible). White Tees, maximum handicap index 40.4
Irene Dick Putting Trophy: Lowest aggregate of best 4 putting rounds
Manawatu Golf Shop Cup: Stableford, best 2 of 4 maximum handicap Index 40.4
Clarice Greenbank Trophy: members for 20 years or more, best 3 Stableford cards for the season maximum index 40.4
Midweek Women
Marj Crystall Memorial Cup: Closest to a line down the designated fairway on Opening Day
First half of year:
Gun Club Cup: Silver Division matchplay on handicap
McMillan Cup: Bronze I Division matchplay on handicap
Allen Cup: Bronze II Division matchplay on handicap
Second half of year:
Collinson Cup: Silver Division (2nd)
Wills Challenge Bowl: Bronze I Division (2nd)
Jean Bennett Cup: Bronze II Division (2nd)
Edith Cooper Fourball Cup: Handicap
McHardy Points Cup: LGU Medal, par & Stableford points
Cunninghame Vase: Highest points total in all par rounds
Reta Parkinson: Thursday Club Shootout
Dorothy Taylor Grandmothers Salver: Best Stableford on a designated Thursday
LGU Net Points: Silver, Bronze I, Bronze II & Bronze III
Par Points: Silver, Bronze I, Bronze II & Bronze III
Stableford Points: Silver, Bronze I, Bronze II & Bronze III
Saturday Women
Clarke Cup: Silver Championship matchplay
Werner Cup: Bronze Championship matchplay
Watson Bros Cup: 0-40 matchplay on handicap
Dawn Matthews Memorial: Fourball
Myrtle Cunninghame Plate: LGU net, par & Stableford Points
Adam Cup for Grandmothers: Best Stableford on a designated Saturday
LGU Medal Points: Silver, Bronze I & Bronze II Points
Par Points: Silver, Bronze I & Bronze II Points
Stableford Points: Silver, Bronze I & Bronze II Points
9 hole Competitions and Cup Dates
Club Championships
Championship Jug - Women’s Club Championships Div 1
Garland Cup - Women’s Club Championships Div 2
Championship Tankard: Men’s Club Championships
Qualifying rounds:
Round 1 played on Wednesday 30 July and Saturday 2 August
Round 2 played on Wednesday 20 and Saturday 23 August
Matches to be played:
Round 1 by Saturday 13 September
Round 2 by Saturday 18 October
Semi Final by Saturday 1 November
All finals to be played on Saturday 8 November Gillespie Cup (Women) and Lavender Cup (Men): Matchplay
Entries close Wednesday 23 April
1st round to be completed by Wednesday 21 May 2nd round to be completed by Wednesday 18 June Semi Final to be completed by Wednesday 9 July Final to be played by Wednesday 23 July
Peck Cup: Men’s points
Robyn Mudgway Cup: Men’s par
Wiltshire Salver: Women’s points
Barbara Smith Cup: Women’s par
Walker Georgel Cup: Mixed pairs match play
Elizabeth Bell Trophy: Saturday LGU, par and Stableford points
Gill Wilkes Cup: Mixed most improved player
Senior 9 Hole
Karen Russell Salver: Senior summer Stableford
Evon de Roo: Senior LGU and Stableford points
Peg Church Salver: Senior par points
Senior LGU Cup: LGU points